The Benefits of Ultralight Travel - ULT Gear

The Benefits of Ultralight Travel

There are many benefits to ultralight travel; check out some examples below.

From a practical perspective, it means:

  • No more luggage fees or lost bags; everything you have is always with you and easily accessible.
  • You can change your plans on a whim.. for example, renting a bicycle from the train stop and riding to your hostel while seeing the city, or renting a motorbike from the airport and riding to the nearest volcano.
  • You can utilize full travel days - you don't need to stop at your hostel or hotel to drop off your bag in a new city.. it's light enough to take anywhere.
  • It gives you the ability to go with the flow if your plans change against your will.. for example, you're at the airport and your flight gets cancelled or delayed, a smaller bag means you can easily leave your stuff in the tiny airport lockers or..
  • If you DO get stuck with your bag, it's less of a burden to lug it around; you can comfortably explore a city, go on a hike, go to the beach, or do pretty much anything you might do on a normal day.
  • Easier packing and tracking - with less stuff, there's no need to hunt down a million things when you're groggy and packing to catch that 5am flight.
    In short, it's freedom.. for when you don't have plans, don't want to make plans, or have to change plans unexpectedly.
    • Beyond the practical, it's worth noting some often overlooked benefits: Traveling light, by nature, means less impact to the environment - the less you need, the less you buy and the less that goes to waste, focusing on what you need versus what you want can actually minimize your environmental footprint; yes this may come across hypocritical, more on that here.
    • Traveling light will inherently translate into spending less money - you can simplify your life and help your wallet at the same time.
    • It gives YOU more space - it may go without saying, but when you pack light, you simply don't need as much space; which may not always matter, but the effects can be felt on that tiny airplane seat, that packed train car or when you're curled up in your hostel dorm bed.

    And finally, from a personal and philosophical perspective, ultralight travel can bring: 

    • Peace of mind - the more you have, the more likely you are to be emotionally tied to those things... imagine that brand new $300 "travel" bag getting stolen a week into your trip.. now imagine someone stealing the $30 hiking pack you randomly picked up from a local store; do you feel the difference? Less stuff can translate into less worry, oftentimes without us even realizing it.
    • A simplified life - When you have just a few sets of clothes and few must-have items, your life gets instantly simplified; gone are the days of deciding what to wear, when to do laundry or what to bring on your next adventure (hint: you can bring everything); it's nearly impossible to express how simple life can be when everything you need fits into a tiny backpack; you may just have to experience it for yourself.
    • A taste of humility - go to almost any country with a giant backpack or suitcase, and you'll instantly feel out of place.. we're sold the idea that we need lots of stuff to be comfortable, happy, productive, etc.. but it's simply not true; try ultralight travel for a few weeks and you'll realize that you still have more stuff than 90% of the world; it can be a humbling experience.

    The truth is, the list of things you need is pretty small, and the less you have, the more free you're likely to feel - this is true in life, and travel.

    Ultralight travel isn't for everyone, but for those willing to try, you may find that the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

    Check out our blog for more thoughts, tips, and tricks on ultralight travel.

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